Sains Malaysiana 54(1)(2025): 9-20


Effect of Combined Prebiotics from Different Sources and Microorganism Mix on Growth Performance of Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskal, 1775

(Kesan Gabungan Prebiotik daripada Sumber Berbeza dan Campuran Mikroorganisma terhadap Prestasi Pertumbuhan Ikan Bandeng, Chanos chanos Forsskal, 1775)




1Fisheries Department, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No 10, Tamalanrea Indah, 90245, Makassar, Indonesia
2Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Science, College of Animal Production Science and Technology, Sudan University of Science and Technology
, Wehda street, 12217, Khartoum, Sudan


Diserahkan: 1 Oktober 2023/Diterima: 5 November 2024



This study was conducted to determine the effect of using synbiotics in artificial feed on growth, digestive enzyme activities, glycogen levels, hepatosomatic index, body chemical composition, nutrient retention, gastric emptying rate, and blood glucose levels of milkfish. Milkfish (4.78 ± 0.16 g) were stocked at density of 20 fish per aquarium (50 × 40 × 35 cm3) containing 48 L of water with a salinity of 20 ppt and equipped with a recirculation system. Fish were fed three times a day (7:00 AM, 12:00, and 17:00 PM) at a feeding rate of 5% for 50 days. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replicates. Synbiotics consisting of 10 mL/kg microorganism mix and 2% different sources of prebiotics (sweet potatoes, Kappaphycus alvarezii, green beans, and red onion) were added to the artificial feed. The results indicated that milkfish-fed sweet potatoes and green beans experienced significant growth improvement and enhanced feed efficiency. These prebiotic sources also positively impacted digestive enzyme activities, potentially improving nutrient utilization. Additionally, green beans exhibited the most pronounced effects on liver and muscle glycogen levels, hepatosomatic index, and energy content. Body composition data showed alterations in protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free extract percentages due to prebiotic sources. Green beans demonstrated the highest nutrient retention rates. Moreover, the rate of gastric emptying and blood glucose that was observed reached its peak, and the fastest peak decreased in the prebiotic treatment, which was sourced from green beans and sweet potatoes.


Keywords: Artificial feed; growth performance; milkfish; synbiotics



Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk menentukan kesan penggunaan sinbiotik dalam makanan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan, aktiviti enzim pencernaan, paras glikogen, indeks hepatosomatik, komposisi kimia badan, pengekalan nutrien, kadar pengosongan gastrik dan paras glukosa darah ikan bandeng. Ikan bandeng (4.78 ± 0.16 g) distok pada ketumpatan 20 ekor setiap akuarium (50 × 40 × 35 cm3) yang mengandungi 48 L air dengan kemasinan 20 ppt dan dilengkapi dengan sistem peredaran semula. Ikan diberi makan tiga kali sehari (7:00 AM, 12:00 dan 17:00 PM) pada kadar pemakanan 5% selama 50 hari. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk rawak sepenuhnya (CRD) dengan lima rawatan dan tiga ulangan. Sinbiotik yang terdiri daripada 10 mL/kg campuran mikroorganisma dan 2% sumber prebiotik yang berbeza (ubi keledek, Kappaphycus alvarezii, kacang hijau dan bawang merah) telah ditambah ke dalam makanan buatan. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa ikan bandeng yang diberi makan ubi keledek dan kacang hijau mengalami peningkatan pertumbuhan yang ketara dan kecekapan makanan yang dipertingkatkan. Sumber prebiotik ini juga memberi kesan positif kepada aktiviti enzim pencernaan yang berpotensi meningkatkan penggunaan nutrien. Selain itu, kacang hijau menunjukkan kesan yang paling ketara pada tahap glikogen hati dan otot, indeks hepatosomatik dan kandungan tenaga. Data komposisi tubuh menunjukkan perubahan dalam protein, lemak, abu, serat kasar dan peratusan ekstrak bebas nitrogen disebabkan oleh sumber prebiotik. Kacang hijau menunjukkan kadar pengekalan nutrien yang paling tinggi. Selain itu, kadar pengosongan gastrik dan glukosa darah yang diperhatikan mencapai kemuncaknya dan kemuncak terpantas menurun dalam rawatan prebiotik yang diperoleh daripada kacang hijau dan ubi keledek.


Kata kunci: Ikan bandeng; makanan buatan; prestasi pertumbuhan; sinbiotik



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